12 Dec 2024
Imagine scorching heat, dry soil, and the absence of a fresh source of water – sounds terrible, right? Unfortunately, this is the reality for many wild animals who share our gardens. Providing a source of water in your garden can make a significant difference in the survival and well-being of local wildlife.
Water is essential for all creatures, and wildlife is no exception. It’s not just for drinking but also plays a vital role in other aspects of their lives. For instance, amphibians like frogs use water as shelter and breeding grounds, and butterflies and bees get valuable minerals and salts from it. Birds, mammals, and lizards use water to bathe and remove dirt, which is essential for their hygiene and survival.
Creating a Water Source
To create an appropriate water source, it’s important to ensure that your water is shallow with gradual, rough-textured edges. This ensures that any animal that climbs in can get out safely. Any stand of water in your garden, from a tiny puddle to a pond, can be used by one kind of animal or another.
If you decide to install a bird bath, make sure it has gradual edges and is roughly textured. For added attraction, hang a drip jug above your bird bath. The sound of dripping water will catch the attention of nearby birds, increasing the likelihood of a visit.
Here are a few essential tips for providing water for wildlife:
- Place water where you can easily watch the activity, so you don’t miss anything!
- Use a specially made bird bath or use a simple bowl on the floor to attract different creatures to different settings.
- Place water for birds near a shrub or tree as birds like to approach from a place of safety.
- Keep an eye out for predators such as cats.
- Keep water accessible for cleaning and filling.
- Consider introducing a small, shallow or running water feature to provide water for birds, insects and other pollinators.
Water is a precious resource, not just for humans, but also for the wildlife that calls our gardens home. By providing a source of fresh water, we can make a significant difference in the survival and well-being of local wildlife. Whether it's a small bowl or a lush pond, every little bit helps. With a few simple steps, you can create a safe and refreshing water source that will attract a variety of creatures and bring life to your garden.